Travel Awards
iEvoBio is offering limited funds for travel expenses to the 2012 iEvoBio meeting in Ottawa, Canada. Preference will be given to participants lacking sources of funding for meeting attendance, such as graduate students, emerging professionals, and participants from underrepresented groups and countries. Please explain in an attached document the need for funding, the benefit that attending iEvoBio will afford you and how you will contribute to the meeting (max 350 words). We are looking for do-ers! A brief letter of support from your advisor, supervisor, or professional mentor should be submitted to the organizing committee (electronically), together with the application headed by the information below, to by the deadline of 15 April 2012.
Awards will be at least USD 300, but applicants should be advised that the eventual amount will likely not cover complete travel costs. Applicants in need of full support should seek additional sources of funding. We also encourage you to submit an entry to the Encylopedia of Life’s Phylogenetic Tree Challenge, the winners of which will receive an all-expense paid trip to iEvoBio 2012.
Participants are required to make all their own travel arrangements, including visas and lodging, if required.
Application format (e.g. .doc, .pdf):
Contact information (address/phone/email):
Academic Institution:
Role (student, researcher, etc.):
Origination of travel (if different from home institution) and estimated travel expenses:
Explain the benefit that attending iEvoBio will afford you and what you will bring to the meeting (350 words or less):